Today’s problems are multi-dimensional. Your lawyer should be too.


Today’s problems are complex and messy. Our expertise spans a variety of areas, allowing us to identify and solve problems faster. With decades of experience, including as General Counsel, Maruca Law focuses on strategic, well-rounded, practical advice.

We work with you to maximize value, solve problems and meet the timeline and budget that work for you. Get in touch for an initial free consultation.


  • Labour / Employment Lawyer & Arbitrator.

    We handled all kinds of labour and employment iaw matters, including wrongful dismissals, terminations, employment agreements, and more. With years of experience in labour and employment disputes, and expertise in strategic relations and communications, we can address all your labour and employment needs in a way that prevents problems from arising or handling them effectively if they do. We also provide expedited mediation and arbitration services.

  • Wrongful Dismissal Lawyer & Mediator.

    When the employment relationship comes to an end, you need practical, realistic legal advice to resolve matters effectively. When both parties want help figuring out how best to sever ties in an amicable way that treats everyone fairly and doesn’t cost too much, our unique mediation service allows both parties to get impartial help from a neutral, experienced third-party in order to bring everything to a fair conclusion without the need for long, expensive litigation. It’s fast, fair and efficient.

  • Technology & Privacy.

    The rate of change of technology is exponential. Using technology throughout an operation means the flow of large volumes of data – often across jurisdictions. We can help ensure compliance with a variety of technology-related and privacy-related issues that slow organizations down and put their stakeholders at risk.

  • Physicians & Healthcare Professionals.

    With years of experience in the healthcare sector, we can use our unique expertise and insight to help physicians and other healthcare professionals with their contracts, clinics and business. We are also able to provide expert advice and opinions on physician compensation matters.

  • External General Counsel.

    Many organizations don’t have the resources or infrastructure to create a legal department. That doesn’t mean it should depend on ad hoc, reactive advice only once a problem arises. We can work within your existing constraints to act as External General Counsel on a long-term or temporary basis in a way that provides proactive, value-added solutions.

  • Legal Communications.

    The court of public opinion doesn’t wait for the court of law. When faced a legal matter that can hurt the reputation of your organization, you need to act fast to ensure stakeholders understand what is happening and what you’re doing about it - all without harming your legal position. Our multi-disciplinary legal and public relations expertise allows us to protect your reputation and your legal position.

  • Board & Executive Advice.

    We advise Boards and executives on a variety of issues to help them achieve their objectives. Acting as a multi-disciplinary, external advisor allows us to see the whole organization and put its interests above that of any single function within it. We also help executives with their individual and collective leadership brands.

  • Legal Department Review.

    Too many legal departments are the department of no instead of the department of know. Our unique services and perspective can help legal departments offer better value by integrating strategically within an organization to provide practical, multi-dimensional, responsive business solutions, and reduce external legal expenditure.